viernes, 1 de marzo de 2013

Nueva versión de la SDK (5.0.14)

Hola,  Microsoft ha publicado una nueva versión de la SDK, y vamos por la versión 5.0.14.

Puede descargarse de aquí:

En resumen, incluye documentacion acerca de Yammer, nuevas clases en early bounds para office 365, información del contexto de los plugins, y algunas cosas mas.

El listado de las actualizaciones realizadas es:

New and updated topics

Description of changes


Updated the assemblies for this version of the SDK package.


Updated the readme for this version of the SDK package.


Added VB .NET versions of the C# Azure samples.


Updated the Microsoft Visual Studio project templates for the Xrm.Page Script Library Template so that both Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 are supported. Also updated the XrmPageTemplate.js file in those templates to provide better IntelliSense and include new functions such as those included in the Xrm.Utility Reference and Xrm.Page.context.getClientUrl.

The new files are:

Connect to Yammer

Added a new topic about integrating with Yammer and changes in the Activity Feeds functionality.

Create Early Bound Entity Classes with the Code Generation Tool (CrmSvcUtil.exe)

Added new information on using the code generation tool with the Microsoft Office 365(OSDP) identity provider of Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online.


Added details describing this property.

Impersonate Another User

Added information about the privileges that are used to modify data.

Implement Single Sign-on from an ASPX Webpage or IFRAME

Added a link to a blog with video that demonstrates how to work around common problems developers run up against when creating a web page in an IFRAME that implements single sign-on between Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Windows Azure.

Prepare a Solution that is Backward Compatible with Earlier Releases of Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Added a new topic to introduce the Solution Down-level Utility.

Processes, Workflows, and Dialogs for Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Added new information to consider when importing a solution that contains a workflow or custom workflow activity.


Added information about this new property for the RelationshipMetadataBase class.

Retrieve and Detect Changes to Metadata

Updated the Retrieve Just the Metadata You Need section to include information about the using the RelationshipType property to distinguish between types of relationships. Also updated the Retrieving New or Changed Metadata section to include information about using the HasChanged property to detect which metadata item has changed.

Sample: Retrieve Currency Exchange Rate

SampleCode\CS\BusinessDataModel\ BusinessManagement\
SampleCode\VB\BusinessDataModel\ BusinessManagement\

Added functionality to retrieve current organization unique name.

Sample: SDK.SectionSamples.js

Updated the SDK.SectionSamples.doesControlHaveAttribute function to include the control type value of ‘notes’ that was added in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Update Rollup 12 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM December 2012 Service Update.

Supported Messages and Entities for Plug-ins for Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Added a statement that custom entities are also included in the table in addition to system entities.

Understand the Data Context Passed to a Plug-In

Added new information about pre and post images and about input\output parameters.

Use ExecuteMultiple to Improve Performance for Bulk Data Load

SampleCode\CS\DataManagement\ExecuteMultiple\ ExecuteMultiple.cs
SampleCode\VB\DataManagement\ExecuteMultiple\ ExecuteMultiple.vb

New information on handling a fault when the maximum batch size limit is exceeded. Added new fault handling code to the samples.

Walkthrough: Register an Azure-Aware Plug-in with Plug-in Registration Tool

Added instructions on how to obtain the management key for a service bus namespace.

Walkthrough: Single Sign-on from a Custom Web Page

Added new information about how to create a service account that can be used to perform data operations on behalf of the logged on user.

Web Resources for Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Updated the topic to replace information about using getServerUrl with getClientUrl and add information about the Xrm.Utility.openWebResource function.

Xrm.Page.ui Control Methods

Added a note to indicate that the subgrid control refresh method is not available in the form OnLoad event.

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